ค้นหาแพทย์ I ศูนย์หัวใจสิริกิติ์ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ
รศ.นพ.ทรงศักดิ์ เกียรติชูสกุล
Songsak Kiatchoosakun, MD
Associate Professor, Division of cardiology, Department of Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University,
Investigator Address:
Division of Cardiology, Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
40002, Thailand
Study Location Address
Division of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Tel 043-232700
Doctor Schedule/ตารางแพทย์ออกตรวจ | |
ห้องตรวจ: | อายุรกรรมผู้ป่วยนอก |
วันออกตรวจ: | พุธ |
คลินิกนอกเวลา: | เสาร์ |
พรีเมี่ยมคลนิก: | พุธ |
Faculty of Medicine Khonkaen University Khon Kaen, Thailand, M.D., with Honors, 1989
Faculty of Graduate Study, Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen, Thailand, Diploma in Clinical Science, 1990.
Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen, Thailand, Resident in Internal Medicine, 1989-1993.
Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand, Clinical Fellow in Cardiology, 1994-1996.
Cardiology, Medicine, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1999-2001.
Web-based training course " Protecting Human Research Participangts", 2008/6/18.
Department of Internal Medicine
Internal medicine Research Committee, 2001
Committee on Postgraduate Training, 2001
Membership of Professional Association:
The Rayal College of Physician of Thailand, 1993
The Heart Association of Thailand, 1996
Diplomate, Thai Board of Internal Medicine, 1993
Diplomate, Thai Board of Internal Medicine
Cardiovascular Diseases, 1996
Certification, Educational Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG), 2000 (0-579-919-2)
A. Publications
I. Original Articles
1. Kiatchoosakun S, Panchavinnin P, Sahasakun Y, Srivanasont N, Jootar P, Chaithiraphan S. Aortic valve ring abscess. A case report and review. Thai Heart J 1995; 8:53-7
2. Kiatchoosakun S, Mahanon N, Phankingtongkam R, Kangkagate C, Wansanit K, Sahasakun Y, Jootar P, Chaithiraphan S. Left ventricular hypertrophy: relation of echocardiographic findings in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. J Med Assoc Thai 1996;79:103-7
3. Pachirat O, Kiatchoosakun S, Silaruks S, Tatsanaviwat P, Klungboonkrong V, Kuptarnond.C, Prathanee S, Tantisirin C. Prosthetic heart valve obstruction: Srinagarind Hospital Experience. Thai Heart J 1997; 10: 67-72
4. Silaruks S, Kiatchoosakun S, Tatsanaviwat P, Tantisirin C, Kuptarnond.C, Prathanee S, Pachirat O, Klungboonkrong V. Atrial Myxoma: Clinical experience in Srinagarind Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai 1999;82:107-14
5. Kiatchoosakun S, Pachirat O, Chirawatkul A, Chuprapa C, Tatsanavivat P. Prevalence of Cardiac Arrythmia in Thai Community. J Med Assoc Thai 1999;82:727-33
6. Chotmongkol V, Kiatchoosakun S. Brian abscess in a patient with atria septal defect. J Med Assoc Thai 1999;82:1167-9.
7. Kiatchoosakun S, Silaruk S, Tatsanaviwat P, Klungboonkrong V, Tansuphasawadikul S. Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvulotomy with Transesophageal Echocardiographic Monitoring: Experience in Khon Kaen University. J Med Assoc Thai 2000; 83:1486-91
7. Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. The effect of tribromoethanol anesthesia on the echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function. Comparative Medicine 2001;51: 27-31.
8. Kiatchoosakun S, Lawrence E, Nakada S, Restivo J, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. Effect of angiotensin type I-receptor blockade on left ventricular remodeling in pressure overload hypertrophy. I Card Fail 2001;7:342-7.
9. Mugerwa JA, Kiatchoosakun S, Restivo J, Hoit BD. The myocardial performance index: its sensitivity to increased afterload and clinical value in patients with aortic stenosis. Echocardiography. Echocardiography 2002;19:267-72.
10.Kiatchoosakun S, Restivo J, Kirkpatrick D, Hoit BD. Assessment of Left Ventricular Mass in Mice: Comparison between Two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography. Echocardiography. 2002 ;19:199-205.
11. Hoit BD, Kiatchoosakun S, Restivo J, Kirkpatrick D, Olszens K, Shao H, Pao YH, Nadeau JH. Naturally occuring in cardiovascular traits among inbred mouse strains. Genomics. 2002 ;79:679-85.
12. Yin Z, Haynie J, Yang X, Han B, Kiatchoosakun S, Restivo J, Yuan S, Prabhakar NR, Herrup K, Conlon RA, Hoit BD, Watanabe M, Yang YC. The essential role of Cited2, a negative regulator for HIF-1alpha, in heart development and neurulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 99:10488-93.
13. Yang T, Dong WO, Kuryshev YA, Obejero-Paz C, Levy MN, Brittenham GM, Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Hoit BD, Brown AM. Bimodal cardiac dysfunction in an animal model of iron overload. J Lab Clin Med. 2002 ;140:263-71.
14, Kiatchoosakun S, Hoit BD. Role of echocardiography in congestive hear failure. J Med Assoc Thai. 2003 ;86:37-45.
15. Kiatchoosakun S, Wongvipaporn C, Silarak S, Klungboonkrong V, Kuptarnond C. Congenital aortocaval fistula to the superior vena cava: a case report. J Med Assoc Thai. 2003;86:381-4.
16. Silaruks S, Kiatchoosakun S, Tantikosum W, Wongvipaporn C, Tatsanavivat P, Klungboonkrong V, Thinkhamrop B. Resolution of left atrial thrombi with anticoagulant therapy in candidates for percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy. J Heart Valve Dis. 2002;11:346-52.
II. Abstracts
1. Kiatchoosakun S, Pachirat O, Chirawatkul A, Chuprapa C, Tatsanavivat P. Prevalence of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Thai Community. Srinagarind Med J 1998;13 (Suppl): 124
2. Kiatchoosakun S, Silaruk S, Tatsanaviwat P, Klungboonkrong V, Tansuphasawadikul S. Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvulotomy with Transesophageal Echocardiographic Monitoring: Experience in Khon Kaen University. Srinagarind Med J 1998;13 (Suppl):125
3. Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Olszens K, Nadeau JH, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. Naturally Occurring Variation in Inbred Mouse Strains: A Mouse Model of the Athlete's Heart. J Card Fail 2000;6 (Supp2):12
4. Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Levy M, Yang T, Finkelstein HL, Brown AM, Hoit BD. High Cardiac Output and Eccentric Left Ventricular Hypertrophy are Early Manifestations of Iron Overload Cardiomyopathy. J Card Fail 2000; 6 (Supp2): 15
5. Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. The Effect of Avertin Anesthesia on the Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Function. J Card Fail 2000;6 (Supp2): 13
6. Kiatchoosakun S, Kirkpatrick D, Olszens K, Nadeau JH, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. Naturally Occurring Variation in Inbred Mouse Strains: A Mouse Model of the Athlete's Heart. Circulation 2000; 102;II 194-195
7. Silaruks S, Kiatchoosakun S, Tantikosum W, Wongvipaporn C, Pacheerat O, Tatsanaviwat P, Klungboonkrong V, Thinkamrop. Resolution of Atrial Thrombi with Anticoagulant Therapy in Candidates for Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Commissurotomy. Circulation 2000;102; I-551
8. Kiatchoosakun S, Yang T, Dong W, Kuryshev YA, Levy MN, Brown AM, Kirkpatrick D, Hoit BD. Left Ventricular Remodeling, Cardiovascular Performance, and Survival in Iron Overload Cardiomyopathy Is dose Dependent. J Card Fail 2001;7(Supp2):19
9. Kiatchoosakun S, Lawrence E, Nakada S, Restivo J, Walsh RA, Hoit BD. Effect of Angiotensin Type I- Receptor Blockade on Left Ventricular Remodeling in Pressure Overload Hypertrophy. J Card Fail 2001;7(Supp2):15
10. Hoit BD, Restivo J, Kiatch oosakun S, Kirkpatrick D. Restrictive Cardiomypathy in Transgenic Mice with Cardiac-Specific Over-expression of Tyrosine Phosphatase, PRL-3. J Card Fail 2001;7(Supp2):12
11. Kiatchoosakun S, Restivo JM, Watanabe M, Hoit BD. Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiovascular Flows in the Developing Mouse Embryo. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2001;14: 492
12. Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality in Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome in Thai Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry (TACSR) 2007 Oct 1(41-50)
13. Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality in Thai STEMI Patients:Result from TACSR 2007 Oct 1(91-97)
14. Predictive Factors of Systemic Embolism in Patients with Mitral Stenosis in sinus Rhythm 2008Jna 1 (44-49)
II. Book Chapters
1. Kiatchoosakun S. Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction. In: Common Problems in General Practice. Yutanawiboonchai W, Tiamkao S, Kiatchoosakun P, Komwilaisak R, Wanaprasat S (eds).pp 17-19, 1997
2. Kiatchoosakun S. Management of Hypertension. In: Cost Effective Medical Practice. Sirijerachai C, Choohagarn C, Moosikapun P (eds). pp 136-150, 1998
3. Kiatchoosakun S. Hypertensive Crisis. In: Emergency Medicine. Chansoong K, Sirijerachai C, Mairiang P (eds). pp 2-8,2000
4. Kiatchoosakun S. Management of Unstable Angina. In: Emergency Medicine. Chansoong K, Sirijerachai C, Mairiang P (eds). pp 9-13, 2000
5. Kiatchoosakun S. Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction. In:Emergency Medicine. Chansoong K, Sirijerachai C, Mairiang P (eds). pp 14-21, 2000
6. Kiatchoosakun S, Hoit BD. Echocardiography in heart failure.
7. Kiatchoosakun S. Valvular heart disease. In: Valvular heart disease. Kiatchoosakun S, ed 2002.
Date Nov 7,2011
- Coronary Angiogram
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Rotablator
- Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty
- Right Heart Cath and Left Heart Cath
- Temporary Pacemaker
- Intra Aortic Ballon pump
- ASD Device
- VSD Device
- Pericardial tapping
- Fluoroscopy
- trans thoracic echo
- trans esophageal echo
- Exercise stress test
- Holter monitoring
- Tilt table test
- Moderate sedation
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